Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Coming of age

The gay scene has really come of age, comparing it today and a couple of years ago. Today you will come across happy gay boys and men mingling freely with out fear and shame everywhere across town. Coming out a couple of years ago, especially in Nairobi, would be like handing yourself over to the hangman at the gallows. Today there are so many gay men who are openly out and enjoying the good things life has to offer. Number of gay people has grown in leaps and bounds, leaving me to wonder whether all these men are really gay or wannabe's (Wannabe gays will be another day's post).

But all that matters is that gay people are happy. However one question remains to be answered; will the conservative Kenyan society come to accept and live with the fact that gays are here to stay?

Happy New Year

Happy 2010 folks!!! What a start it has been but its all great. 2009 was quite an interesting year with lots of stuff happening. 2010 will probably be a better and brighter year, I hope.

Resolutions? Have y'all made your resolutions for the new year? Hope you have and are follwing them to the letter so far. Fortunately, I don't make any resolutions. Me thinks that's a whole load of crap. The only resolution I'd probably make (and I think I might just do that) is to GET LAID OVER AND OVER THIS YEAR!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!